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      Discover the month ahead as we hit collaborative, balanced Libra Season.
      Multi-hyphenate, plate-spinner and fragrance founder, meet the talented Sophie Marcoux of Ficifolia.
      Heading into Virgo season, here's what to expect from the month ahead. This is your call to tune into your creative senses.
      Brooke Perry (née McAuley) is our second August baby and a true Leo at heart. Discover her ideal birthday and more.
      Dive into the lustrous allure of August's peridot with our birthday girl, content creator and model Ilaaf Hammoud.
      Longtime muse and friend Fleur Egan celebrates the personality and styling potential of the jewellery collection.
      Catch up with Priya McPherson, Creative Director of Sage Avenue. Get the highlighter out for these wise notes.
      Passion, youth and vitality – exploring the July birthstone with Diana Avel.
      Roll up your cuffs and get down to business with Gabrielle Pearson, founder of the film production company Majella.